Raspberry Pi install

Step 1: Prepare the SD card with Raspbian

Burn the Raspbian Stretch Lite image file via Etcher or Win32 Disk Imager
  1. Download the Raspbian image.
  2. Extract the image (.img) file from the downloaded archive.
  3. Burn the Raspbian image file via Etcher.

Step 2: Install Raspbian and set Hostname

  1. Insert the SD card in the Raspberry Pi memory card slot and power the device to boot.
  2. Wait for the boot process to complete and login with the default user pi” and password “raspberry”.
  3. Run the Raspbian configuration utility with the command: sudo raspi-config
  4. Select 1. System Options” and press the <Enter> key.
  5. Select S4 Hostname”, press the <Enter> key and then OK” on the warning dialog.
  6. Enter the Pi’s hostname using only alphanumeric characters and dashes (“-”).
  7. Select <Finish> and then <Yes> to reboot and apply the hostname configuration.

Step 3: Set a Static IP

  1. Edit the /etc/dhcpcd.conf” file to configure the ethernet interface eth0” with the nano editor: sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf
  2. Scroll to the end of the file and add the following lines, making sure to replace the values for interface”“ip_address”“routers” (gateway) and “domain_name_servers” based on your LAN settings:

#Ethernet static IP configuration

interface eth0

static ip_address=

static routers=

static domain_name_servers=

Note: LAN installs are supported on properly configured RFC 1918 private networks, i.e. / IP range.

  1. Press the Ctrl” + “x” key combination, then “y” and <Enter> to confirm writing changes to the file.
  2. Reboot the Pi using:

sudo reboot

  1. When the Pi boots again, login with “pi” user and verify eth0” IP address with the command:

ip a

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